This book is putting a question mark on the evolutionary visions of the European integration, within the current world, while focusing on obstacles, shortcomings and challenges. The international instability and notably the Ukrainian invasion by Russia addresses fundamental questioning regarding the consolidation of the EU itself. The book is divided in four parts: the socio- economic model, the historical roots of national diversities (regarding memories, perceptions of threats), and the institutional remedies; the risks of isolation of Europe within an increasingly non-European world and the material transformation of the EU from a civilian (trade, market, knowledge) to a civilian and military power, fit to cope with the unpredictable world of the 21st century. Contribution by : Josep Borrell Fontelles, Jean-Pierre Filiu, Nicole Gnesotto, Giovanni Grevi, Pascal Lamy, Maaike Okano-Heijmans, Thomas Meyer, Kalypso Nicolaidis, Amandine Orsini-Bled, Jean Pisani Ferry, Karen E. Smith, Mario Telo and Didier Viviers